Friday, October 18, 2013

What you will be doing in Minecraft game

Building and destroying

Once you've got yourself settled in Minecraft, you'll no doubt want to start building things. At first it might just be a small abode, but later you'll learn to make minecart tracks, redstone circuits and much more. Minecraft allows you to build almost anything you can imagine.

Find out how to control your character in the different versions of Minecraft

PC controls

The controls in Minecraft are simple, and they can be reconfigured if needed. The mouse is used to turn your player and move the camera in third-person mode. The mouse wheel scrolls through your inventory hot bar. Left-clicking is the default attack or dig button, while right-clicking uses the item currently in your hand.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Learn how to download Minecraft and get yourself started in the game

Minecraft is available on a number of different platforms. Throughout this guide we've focused largely on the PC version, but it's also available on Xbox 360 (and eventually the next-generation Xbox One), Mac, smartphones and Raspberry Pi. On the PC, the system requirements are fairly minimal.

A Guide to Maincraft

You may be familiar with Minecraft, but what do you actually do in it? We take a look at everything this world has to offer

Minecraft is a sandbox game in which you construct, create and develop worlds by manipulating blocks and items to make objects and buildings.